Reading at Poesia Cafe

Seen from the porch of Poesia Cafe, San Francisco is at its most vibrant and beautiful. Located in the middle of the Castro neighborhood, the cafe does brisk business and also manages to sustain a lovely, languid vibe, as though nobody there ever needs to rush to get anywhere and can while away entire afternoons reading and people watching. I am so happy to be a part of the reading here on October 4th!

There will be stories and pastries and wine. Don’t miss!

October 4th, 7 pm, Poesia cafe, 4072 18th Street.

Michael Alenyikov is the author of IVAN AND MISHA, winner of the Northern CA Book Award and a Finalist for the Edmund White Award for Debut Fiction. His novella collection, SORROW’S DRIVE, appeared in 2022. He’s led the 18th St Writing Group for many years. Alenyikov is a NYC native and a longtime resident of San Francisco.

Anna Mantzaris is a San Francisco-based writer. Her work has appeared in Ambit, The Cortland Review, McSweeney’s Internet Tendency, Necessary Fiction, New World Writing, Sonora Review, and elsewhere. Her fiction chapbook OCCUPATIONS is forthcoming from Galileo Press. 

Richard May has published four short story collections: Because of Roses, Gay All Year, Inhuman Beings, and Ginger Snaps: Photos & Stories (with photographer David Sweet). His short fiction has been published in numerous anthologies and magazines. He organizes the monthly reading series Odd Mondays in San Francisco and is a member of the 18th Street Writers and the Bay Area Queer Writers Association. Find Rick on Instagram at richard.may1313 and Facebook at richardmaywriter, where he publishes a daily story photo or visual that inspires him to write, with the first few lines of the story included.

Sasha Vasilyuk is a journalist and author of a debut novel YOUR PRESENCE IS MANDATORY (Bloomsbury, April 2024) to be published in the U.S., Canada, Italy, Germany, France, Finland and Brazil. She has written for The New York Times, TIME, Los Angeles Times, Harper’s Bazaar, NBC, USA Today, Narrative, and others.

Olga Zilberbourg is the author of LIKE WATER AND OTHER STORIES (WTAW Press) and four Russian-language story collections. She has published fiction and essays in Electric Literature, Lit Hub, Narrative, Alaska Quarterly Review, Confrontation, Scoundrel Time, and elsewhere. She co-edits Punctured Lines, a feminist blog on post-Soviet and diaspora literatures, and co-hosts the San Francisco Writers Workshop.

An Interview in The Isthmus

I gave an interview (conducted on Instagram!!) for a cool newsletter, The Isthmus, “dedicated to world literature and gaining a broader perspective on the literary arts.”

The word “Isthmus” attracted my attention first. I grew up on one, and I feel a strong pull of curiosity when I see the word used out there. It’s an archipelagic word, of a kind that allow us to remap the globe through its waterways. I was very happy to see this newsletter emerge, “dedicated to world literature and gaining a broader perspective on the literary arts.”

Thanks to Christian Smith for asking great questions and allowing me space to gush a bit about some of my favorite translators… Read the full conversation here (and subscribe for more!):

Words on War: a Literary Reading Centering Ukraine

As Russia’s war on Ukraine is continuing, so are the efforts to spread the word about Ukraine’s past, future, and present. We’re also continuing to build community behind helping the people of Ukraine. I’m very grateful to author Sasha Vasiluk for organizing this upcoming literary reading with the amazing, stellar writers from our community: Polina Barskova, Katya Cengel, Eveniya Dame, Andrey Kurkov, Maggie Levantovskaya, Masha Rumer, and Vlada Teper.

This reading is a part of the Bay Area Book Festival and will be hosted at Ukrainian-owned DecoDance bar here in San Francisco. They donate a portion of their proceeds to the people of Ukraine! Can’t wait to try their drinks.

May 4th, 6 pm
DecoDance Bar 1160 Polk Street

Please reserve your tickets!

There will be books there for the authors to sign, thanks to the amazing efforts by Masha Rumer. Some of these books are starting to sell out so make sure to get your own copies and buy gifts for friends!

Wordhacking: San Francisco Writers Workshop Reads at Noisebridge

I’m delighted to co-host this event! Join us and learn more about the San Francisco Writers Workshop and Noisebridge.

San Francisco Writers Workshop

San Francisco Writers Workshop is hosting a benefit for our current venue, Noisebridge. This legendary maker and hackerspace in the Mission prides itself on being open to all and provides infrastructure to people interested in art and technology. Our workshop, for instance, has been meeting in the sewing room equipped with machines for professional sewing projects. Like all creative venues in San Francisco, Noisebridge needs help making rent. This event will be a celebration of our writing and creative communities and a fundraiser for one of the coolest spaces in the Mission.

The event will include featured readers, a storytelling game, refreshments, cash bar, and an opportunity to tour Noisebridge. PLEASE HELP US SPREAD THE WORD!

Mark your calendars for 7 pm on April 6, 2023, at Noisebridge, 272 Capp Street. Suggested donation starts at $10, and please give as much as you can!

Our featured readers:


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New Venue Alert — Readings by Authors Born in Ukraine, Russia, and Moldova at San Francisco’s Lit Crawl

This event is now happening at Stage Werx Theatre, 446 Valencia Street — by there on October 22nd at 5 pm!

Punctured Lines is co-hosting a Lit Crawl reading by six Bay Area writers born in Ukraine, Russia, and Moldova. Shaken by the horrific tragedy of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, we will read pieces exploring our connections, direct and indirect, to the part of the world we associate with home and exile, and where many of our friends and relatives are suffering as a result of the war. We work in the genres of nonfiction, literary and historical fiction, YA, flash, and other literary forms to tell our stories, and will read excerpts from our published and new work.

Maggie Levantovskaya is a writer and lecturer in the English department at Santa Clara University. She was born in Kyiv, Ukraine, and grew up in San Francisco. She has a PhD in comparative literature from UC San Diego. Her creative nonfiction and journalism have appeared in The Rumpus, Michigan Quarterly Review, Catapult, The LA Times, Current Affairs, and Lithub. Twitter: @MLevantovskaya

Masha Rumer‘s nonfiction book about immigrant families, Parenting with an Accent, was published by Beacon Press in 2021, with a paperback coming out in October 2022. Her writing has appeared in The New York Times, The Washington Post, Los Angeles Review of Books, Parents, and more, winning awards from the New York Press Association. Twitter: @MashaDC

Originally from Kishinev, Moldova, Tatyana Sundeyeva is a Russian-American writer living in San Francisco. She writes short fiction, travel writing, and Young Adult novels and has been published in Oyster River Pages, Cleaver, and Hadassah Magazine. Twitter: @TeaOnSundey

Vlada Teper is a writer and educator from Moldova. Her essays have been featured in Newsweek and on NPR. A former Fulbright Scholar in Russia, Teper is the founder of Inspiring Multicultural Understanding (IMU) Peace Club. With MAs in English and Education from Stanford University, Vlada is the recipient of the 826 Valencia Teacher of the Month Award. Twitter: @VladaTeper

Sasha Vasilyuk is a journalist and author of forthcoming novel YOUR PRESENCE IS MANDATORY set between Ukraine and Nazi Germany (Bloomsbury, 2024). She has written about Eastern Europe for The New York Times, TIME, BBC, Harper’s Bazaar, NBC, USA Today, Narrative, and others. Twitter: @SashaVasilyuk

Olga Zilberbourg is the author of LIKE WATER AND OTHER STORIES (WTAW Press) and four Russian-language story collections. She has published fiction and essays in Electric Literature, Lit Hub, Narrative, Alaska Quarterly Review, Confrontation, Scoundrel Time, and elsewhere. She co-edits Punctured Lines, a feminist blog on post-Soviet and diaspora literatures, and co-hosts the San Francisco Writers Workshop. Twitter: @bowlga

August 2022: In-person at Noisebridge

San Francisco Writers Workshop is now meeting in person at Noisebridge hackerspace (272 Capp Street)! Come check us out on Tuesday nights, 7-9 pm.

San Francisco Writers Workshop

Starting on August 2nd and ongoing, we’ll be meeting at Noisebridge Hackerspace272 Capp Street in San Francisco (near 16th Street BART). We will be assembling at 7 pm as usual in the 2nd floor lounge. Let us know if you have any accessibility issues, and we will try to accommodate. 

We will continue to ask for donations to support this venue (San Francisco rents!) and we continue to ask that everyone masks. 

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Born in the USSR, Raised in Canada: A Reading in Support of Ukraine

Please join me May 15 on Zoom for this event. Yelena Furman and I will be hosting!

Punctured Lines

Punctured Lines is delighted to bring you our next event–a reading and a Q&A with six established authors who were born in the former Soviet Union and immigrated to Canada as children. In their fiction and nonfiction they explore topics of multicultural identity, life under communism, Jewish culture, food, history, and making a home in a strange land.

Please register on Eventbrite:

We began planning this event before Russia’s renewed, full-scale attack on Ukraine, and we want to acknowledge that this war is resonating deeply throughout the diasporic community. We feel that it’s particularly important for us to come together at this time, to listen to each other’s stories and to amplify each other’s voices and resources in support of the people of Ukraine in their fight against the Russian totalitarian regime. We also want to extend our support to those citizens of the Russian Federation resisting and fleeing…

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Direct Help Needed for Ukrainian Translators

Please help Ukrainian translators and interpreters doing necessary work in the wartime.

Punctured Lines

Punctured Lines is forwarding a call for donations to a new fund, the UATI Support Fund, to assist members of the UATI, the Українська асоціація перекладачів / Ukrainian Interpreters and Translators Association. The UATI Support Fund is administered by UATI Board President Natalia Pavliuk. It is helping assist Ukrainian translators and interpreters with costs such as:

– evacuation (transportation and accommodation)

– medication and medical care

– food and clothes

– supplementing basic income for members whose income has dropped because they are focusing on emergency pro bono translation and interpreting

Natalia is herself in the city of Kalush in the west of Ukraine. She reports: “so far the fund has helped evacuate two people from Kharkiv and has helped cover the cost of special footwear and a safety vest for one of our colleagues who is now in the territorial defense; and provided funds to a single…

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Ukrainian Refugee Writers Support, List of Resources

Punctured Lines

As Russian troops are continuing to wage war in Ukraine, a group of writers (not affiliated with Punctured Lines) has put together a list of resources to help Ukrainian writers escape the zone of conflict.

Most of these opportunities are currently provided by European institutions, and we urge our friends with any influence at North American institutions and those around the world to consider expanding existing opportunities and to establish new positions for writers fleeing the war in Ukraine, as well as for writers speaking out against their regimes in Belarus and Russia.

Please share widely the link to Ukrainian Refugee Writers Support:

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Donate to Organizations Providing Support for Ukraine

Punctured Lines

For those watching in horror the atrocities committed by Russian troops in Ukraine and wondering what can be done from afar, here is a list of various types of organizations to support. Given the rapidly developing situation and the number of appeals from various channels, this list is by definition incomplete. If you know of other organizations please add them, and we will be updating, as well. We stand with the citizens of Ukraine, the Russian protesters, and members of the various diasporas who have family, friends, and ties in one or both places.

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